Port of Charleston

Streamline Your Supply Chain with Argents Express in Charleston

At Argents Express, we understand that choosing the right logistics partner can make all the difference in optimizing your supply chain. Located near the strategically advantageous Port of Charleston, we offer unparalleled warehousing, distribution, fulfillment, and ocean freight services designed to meet the dynamic needs of today’s shippers and retailers. Charleston: A Premier Logistics Hub… Read more »

Argent's Elgin

Argents Elgin: State of the Art Fulfillment in Logistics

Argents Elgin, blows the doors off customer-service expectations. With an internal accuracy target of 99.6%, every shipment counts. By continually upgrading hard and soft technology, Argents has made it difficult for mistakes to happen as every step is processed with fail-safe confirmations that ensure accuracy.   “We scan everything multiple times at several stages along the… Read more »

Open Role: Customs Broker at Argents Express Group

Argents Express Group is inviting a dynamic Customs Broker to join our team. In collaboration with our Corporate Broker, this role emphasizes operational excellence, compliance assurance, team leadership, and amplifying our commitment to the highest standards of customer and company service. Location: Ladson, SC Key Responsibilities: Qualifications: About Argents Express Group: An American logistics provider… Read more »

Kurt Schenkemeyer: Ascending Excellence

In the interest of fairness, Kurt Schenkemeyer should have known what to expect at Argents. His father worked in management at Lufthansa for thirty-one years and Kurt himself was a twenty-three year veteran of the industry – ten years of which he spent in friendly competition with Dagny Chiappetta as they navigated clients, conferences, and… Read more »

Solutions Team

The Solutions Team Made Whole

Finding balance in logistics is often less about finding a network loaded with divergent businesses and expertise, and more about creating a Venn diagram that carries passion, dedication, friendship, and communication in the overlay. One lesson we’ve learned at Argent’s, and try to impart each day, is that there is no substitution for a team… Read more »

Set Sail with Sonja

Setting Sail with Success & Sonja

Standing on the coast of Savannah, Georgia, visitors, and locals are treated to a sparkling view of behemoth ships coming and going in the port. In reality, they’re so much more than we can see in photos and, on occasion, the beauty of cargo steamships can be life-changing. For Sonja Martinov, the twinkling lights of… Read more »

Sam is synonymous with Success

Success’ Secret Weapon: Sam Rushin

Perseverance, planning, and personality are the magic formula for success that sets Sam Rushin ahead of and apart from her competition. Whether she’s training horses, baking her way into the hearts of her coworkers, or building and developing a logistics plan from the ground up, there is a joy for the work that extends past… Read more »

Growth in Seattle

Growth Boots on the ground, eyes on the prize

“The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” ~ Robert Burns The aforementioned proverb is generally invoked to discuss a situation that goes off the rails despite good planning and intentions. We at Argents prefer to think of it as a way of explaining that all the planning, research, and intentions for success… Read more »